När du har sett filmen The Passion Bilda grupp. Gå genom alla frågorna i gruppen. Välj sedan en fråga under varje grupp att fördjupa er på. Skriv en egen sammantfattning av diskussionen och lägg i portföljen. Där får du gärna utveckla resonemangen. IMDB-fakta: Filmatiskt 1 Vilka skådisar skötte sig bra? 2 Vad tyckte du om klippet -- var tempot för segt eller för ryckigt? 3 Hur passade Jim Caviezel som Kristus 4 Spelade de fulla soldaterna över? Eller var de trovärdiga? 5 Fungerade specialeffekterna? Vilka minns du? 6 Jämför filmen med andra Jesus-filmer, t. ex. Pasolinis eller Zeffirellis. 7 Får du lust att se filmen igen? Är den vacker på sitt sätt? 8 Hur fungerade "de onda småpojkarna" som jagar Judas? 9 Var det lyckat att ha ett litet djävulsbarn med? Innehållsmässigt 1 Är misshandeln och tortyren realistisk och trovärdig? 2 Är Judas tvivlande eller vad är det för fel med honom? 3 Tycker du de judiska myndigheterna handlar felaktigt? 4 Är Pontius Pilatus medskyldig till avrättningen? 5 På vad sätt påverkar Claudia sin man? 6 Vilken roll har Maria? 7 Vilket intryck ger apostlarna? Fega? 8 Djävulen är androgyn i den här filmen - passar det? Filosofiskt 1 Fattar du varför Jesus måste ta all misshandel? 2 Är Jesus en kärleksfull Gud? 3 Kan du tänka dig att leva som kristen? Vad innebär det? 4 Vilken roll får smärta och lidande i kristendomen? Vettigt? 5 Vet Maria vad allt handlar om? Vad vet hon? 6 Kan Gud bli människa? 7 Kan människans själ räddas av att Gud blir människa? 8 Varför väljer Gud att bli en arbetarpojk i Palestina? 9 Är Jesus lycklig när han genomför offret på korset? ***** Ytterligare frågor att fundera över: * När filmen återvänder till nuet, till situationen där Jesus tagits tillfånga, säger hon tungt: "Det har börjat, Herre. Låt det ske". Visste Maria verkligen vad som skulle hända med hennes son? * Djävulen släpper fram en orm i Getsemane trädgård och Jesus krossar den med foten. Vad ska detta symbolisera? * Jesus har en dialog med djävulen i Getsemane trädgård. Djävulen säger att priset för att rädda alla människors själar är för högt och att ingen kan ta den bördan. Vad menar han? * Har tidpunkten på året då Jesus arresteras och torteras och avrättas någon speciell innebörd? Alltså judarnas påsk? Bra text att läsa om man inte känner till kristendomen: Of discords, of violent contradictions, the human world is full. How many cruelties, how many sinful desires, evoked by avarice and sensuality, by hatred, by envy, by pride and wild opinions ; what a mass of error and of foolishness, of superstition and depravity! With the shout of lawless joy, with the jubilations of gratification and of delusion, there is mingled for ever and in every place the wail of want, the painful cry of anguish and of death, the raging of the storm and of the and of the flood, the howling of ravening beasts, the heaving of the loosened elements, which seem to laugh at man and his pride, and to announce to him in every successive moment the terrors of death, whilst amidst this ceaseless alarm, which yet does not terrify him, the voice of conscience makes itself heard in his interior, and warns him of the woes that await him even on this side of the tomb. What is the name of this wildly confused, dark side of the history of man ? It is called the Curse—that complicated consequence of the first sin", which has propagated itself from Adam down, through all generations. But in the midst of this wild confusion, there was entoned from the beginning the voice of peace and of salvation. Triumphing over the curse, the blessing of humanity in Christ was developed through ages. In him, the sanctity of God displayed itself in its twofold relation—as divine grace and mercy, which, creating and animating anew, embraced fallen man in the arms of his love; and as divine truth and justice, which, as they are not in contradiction with each other, could not take away and destroy guilt, except by a new merit which waste be acquired in and by human nature. This visiting of man on the part of God, and this reconciliation with God on the part of man, are both united in Jesus Christ. Walking as man amongst men, he took upon himself the great duty of an entire restitution to God, without reservation and of his own free will, that he might honour and glorify by his obedience the sanctity of his Father, as the sanctity of the divine will had been violated and contemned by the disobedience of the first man and of his descendants. And as he came at a time when crime and depravity had reached their height, and had therefore arrived at their crisis, so he who had come to take upon himself man's destiny, was doomed to suffer the worst that fanatical cruelty and wicked pride could inflict. And as his whole life was, therefore, an uninterrupted exercise of obedience, a continual sacrifice, the end of his earthly life was necessarily the consummation of this sacrifice. For this consummation, towards which his prophetic eye was ever directed, in his ardent love for mankind he always most ardently sighed, calling it his baptism, his chalice. But on the part of those deluded men who saw their position in the world perilled by him, this end was brought about by violence. To effect this, they employed all the influence of their rank, not knowing that it was by a higher decree that they filled up the measure of their iniquity, and that they had power over Jesus only because in accordance with his Father's will he surrendered himself to them, and because the hour of which he had oftentimes spoken had come. " No man taketh my life from me, but I lay it down of myself, and I take it up again." He spoke thus not as helpless man, in created dependence, but in the divine knowledge of the eternal Word which dwelt within him. He, the Son of God, spoke thus in relation to his human life. Hence our Lord named this time of his deepest humiliation not only hit hour, for which he had come into the world; he named it also the hour of his enemies. " This is your hour and the power of darkness." For the curse and the blessing, the enormity of sin and the power of merciful love, attained at this hour their highest point, and the extreme effects of destroying wickedness were brought, by a wonderful connection, to promote the work of salvation. For where was the highest summit to which pride, hypocrisy, and dark impiety ever attained ? In that sin, the greatest that this world ever witnessed, in the murder of him, who was, by ex- cellence, the Innocent and the Holy, by which an entire people, in the name of their leaders and chiefs, declared in a loud voice its fall from the truth and grace of God, rejected the revelation and the covenant of his peace, trod beneath their feet the author of salvation, and solemnly invoked upon themselves the ancient curse, " His blood be upon us and upon our children." Where, on the other hand, is shown the entire fulness of light, and love, and benediction, conquering and triumphing over all this iniquity ? In that same eventful hour, when the despised, the rejected, the condemned Saviour and Mediator, in infinite patience, in exhaustless love, sacrificed his life for all, and called upon his Father to pardon his enemies. And now was completed the work of deadly hate and of life-giving love, of the most obstinate resistance against God, and of the most submissive obedience. All that the hatred of the enemies of Christ could imagine and desire is now accomplished; they have tortured his body, and have treated him as the most abject slave, as the worst of malefactors. On the tree of the cross he hangs, bleeding and so disfigured that you would not know him, like a trodden worm, a very spectacle of scorn. Some men stand there near him and in the distance, and look upon the victim of their leaders and chiefs, some with heartless curiosity, and some with the cruel pleasure of malignity ; beneath him at the foot of the cross are the soldiers, who cast lots for his garments; from all sides ring the blaspheming shouts of the populace; the most crying injustice sings its hymn of triumph—and Heaven is silent, and the arm of Providence, the saving power of God, is concealed. May not the innocent victim exclaim, " Lift up thy arm against their pride—Arise, O God, judge thy own cause ; remember the reproaches with which the foolish man bath reproached thee all the day."—(Ps. Ixxiii.) But no ; he turns his eyes, now weary unto death, away from the raging, blaspheming multitude, and raises them to Heaven. He repeats in this great rnomcut the words that had been spoken of his earlier sufferings and persecutions, They that should have loved me, have hated me, and I prayed." Now that the hatred of these ungrateful men has done its worst, he prays for them not only in the stillness, in the sanctuary of his heart, hut with a loud voice he prays, now that his sacrifice is consummated. He prays, writes St. Augustine, for those whose cruelty he endures, for he rememhers not that he is dying by them, but for them. |